Another VSCC favourite of mine is the annual Boulogne Bike Ride. Held on the late May bank holiday, the twenty-five-mile route roughly follows the old French Grand Prix circuit. My first Boulogne ride was on a 1878 Coventry Machinist Company ordinary. I have since taken part on various turn of the century roadsters and a 1935 CWS tandem.
I am also a member of the Veteran-Cycle Club. The Cheshire section of the VCC is very active with at least one ride every month. With a reasonably flat terrain it’s a great place to live if you enjoy riding ordinaries.
Knutsford, in the heart of Cheshire, welcomes ordinary riders every ten years for the “Knutsford Great Race”. Riders from all over the world arrive for a gruelling three-hour endurance race around the town centre. With all proceeds going to charity; a very worthwhile event. Next race 2020.
Hope you have enjoyed the website and if I can help with a project please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Dave Moroney
Image (right) curtesy of www.oldclassiccar.co.uk